Tuesday, 30 October 2018

#LaunchPadJ2B - Quit Your Job & Start Your Business Series - 27

Sometimes life becomes hard, situations are tough. In those moments, your job is to Keep Moving Forward, in spite of all the obstacles and very soon you’ll see the window of opportunity to make you successful.

Life is not easy. Everyone has to go through their own struggles. Be it personal life or professional life there are tough situations to be faced, hard decisions to be made. Challenges in life that cannot be avoided or ignored. At times nothing seems to work in the right direction. We work on new ideas, new businesses or startups, work really hard to achieve our goals but for some reason don’t achieve the results as we would expect. We lose our jobs, businesses / start ups fail, financial losses, emotional struggles, life gets complicated. We have big goals in mind but don’t focus on the small steps that would lead to it. We all think of the big leap that would achieve our goal and have fears if we can do it.

In such a situation most people give up .They cannot find the strength within themselves or the motivation to move ahead in life.

My dear friends this is the point where we need to keep moving forward. Come what may we need to find the strength, the energy and motivation to move ahead in life even if it means taking one step at a time.

Believe in yourself.

Be consistent, be focused.

Make the move

Think how can we improve or make this work?

Hard work is the only way to success, there is no shortcut to it.

And soon you will see the roadblocks disappearing; you’ll find solutions you were looking for and opportunities waiting for you.

Success will be yours! 

“Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.” By Jack Ma -founder of Alibaba

All The Best and Stay in Touch

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: www.SuccessCoachNilesh.com 

P.S. Take Your FREE Copy of the Book HERE:

Sunday, 28 October 2018

#LaunchPadJ2B - Quit Your Job & Start Your Business Series - 26

We all wait for the big opportunity to come our way, right circumstances to work on our ideas or the right time to start something new which mostly never happens. Instead of waiting for the big opportunity to come why don’t we think of working with what we have today and where we are right now?

As Jim Rohn said, “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.”

Time flies quickly and before we know it our life comes to an end without us achieving much. Nothing is achieved in life if we don’t act on our ideas. We need to dedicate some time each day to improve ourselves, to work on our ideas, and get solutions for our problems.

We need to stop procrastinating in order to be successful. Assess your plan, your resources, work around how we can achieve more with fewer resources. Look for cost effective plans, ask for help. Making the most of limited resources is a critical part of business success.

Success comes only when people take ownership of their lives, their decisions. Successful people have long term goals in their mind; they focus on how to achieve their goals. They know they have to work hard every day, improvise their plan as per the resources or finances available to them. They don’t stop at problems but look for solutions. They inculcate habits in themselves which would ultimately lead them to achieving their goals/ success. They purposefully try to stay away from activities which are unproductive.

Own your life, no one else will

Successful people train their minds to think positively, think about how to grow in a particular field, acquire knowledge, learn new skills, and change their perception so that it can benefit their lives. They invest a lot of time for their personal and professional growth.

Don’t worry about things you cannot control just focus on the ones you can. Sometimes it’s only your attitude towards something that can be controlled.

If we never try and utilize the opportunities that come our way, or allow our dreams to become realities, we will never achieve our true potential. And the world will never benefit from our achievements.

Don’t be afraid to fail and certainly don’t be afraid to succeed.

There are lot of examples in the world of people who had limited resources but with their dedication, hard work, creative problem solving and efforts have achieved success.

1. Richard Branson - business magnate, investor and philanthropist. In March 2017, Forbes listed Branson's estimated net worth at $5 billion.

2. Colonel Harlan Sanders
Died with an estimated net worth of 3.5 million dollars. Opened his first KFC franchise at the age of 64. His company, Kentucky Fried Chicken, has an estimated net worth of 15 billion dollars, as of 2013.

3. Walt Disney
Walt Disney was an American film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, animator, entrepreneur, entertainer, international icon and philanthropist who had a net worth of $5 billion.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: www.SuccessCoachNilesh.com 

P.S. Take Your FREE Copy of the Book HERE:

Thursday, 25 October 2018

#LaunchPadJ2B - Quit Your Job & Start Your Business Series - 25

Progress is important for any business to scale up high into the next level. In order to make progress in our business further we need to take action daily. There needs to be clarity of vision, a clear picture of where we see ourselves in a couple of years, and then determine what we can do daily to get ourselves closer to our goals.

When you decide to develop and progress in your business, you must agree to a personal resolve to move forward regardless of the obstacles that may crop up (and they always come up).This may require strengthening your own mind to achieve higher levels of success. You should have a go getter attitude instead of just sit and think. A lot of entrepreneurs exhaust themselves by over-thinking every little detail, which always leads to becoming overwhelmed. Acting fast can get rid of stress, worry and anxiety and boost your business and your confidence. The best way to figure something out is to take action and make adjustments.

Instead of working on things which do not contribute positively to your business in terms of cash flow or value addition you should concentrate on work that contributes positively. Get away from time wasters like the internet or social media, smartphones. You need to learn the importance of taking action now instead of procrastination. Once you start implementing fast action, quick decisions into daily life then you will begin to see the positive changes in your business.

Make a list of goals you wish to accomplish. Break them down into smaller goals that can be worked upon in a small amount of time for e.g. daily goals or monthly goals. Focus on making progress every single day and make a habit of steadily working towards your goals. Before you know it, you would have achieved success.

Your business achievement will start with your decision to progress further.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: www.SuccessCoachNilesh.com 

P.S. Take Your FREE Copy of the Book HERE:

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

#LaunchPadJ2B - Quit Your Job & Start Your Business Series - 24

Failing is common, raising is not.

He had applied for jobs but got rejected 30 times. He had applied to Harvard University but got rejected 10 times. He has experienced failure and rejection a lot of times yet today he is the richest man of China. He is a Self Made billionaire. 

Do we know who he is???

Jack Maa: - Founder & CEO of Alibaba group

Failing is common, raising is not! We are supposed to fail because failure is a stepping stone to success.

You have a vision for yourself, you have a dream & you see yourself successful. Looks like you have a plan for yourself...Well done that means you are a few steps ahead of the people around you. That’s good…

Just imagine if Sachin Tendulkar was afraid of not being able to score runs on the field, he would have never played .We on the other hand would not have enjoyed all the countless games. In other scenario, imagine if Steve Jobs was scared that people would not like his product, we would never have the IPhone.

Ask yourself this question

Do you want to be the person who fears failure and does not take any action to move ahead in life?


Do you want to be the person who fails in his attempt for success but does not give up, works hard & keeps moving ahead, raises himself from failure to achieve success?

Failure is not permanent, falling is not permanent. Get up and get going because this time you would be wiser, stronger and more giving.

People say that only 1% of populace go to the top or are successful. It does not mean you have 1% chance of being successful but it means you cannot behave like 99% of the rest of the group. You have to love success so much that it makes you to get up and go for it irrespective of the number of times that you have failed.

Each and every individual has experienced failure at some point of time in his life. Failing is common, raising is not. Thomas Edison was successful after 1000 attempts to make the light bulb .It is the attitude towards failure that matters. Some people might give up easily; they don’t have patience and persistence needed. Then there are those few who look at failure as learning or an experience. People think of obstacles in such a negative way but there is always some positive in every negative situation. We need to stop seeing failure as a bad thing & open our eyes and evaluate the situation. We need to learn from failing because we cannot move forward unless we have learnt the lesson life is teaching us. Learning from our mistakes is the key to success!

Every successful person in every field failed over and over again before succeeding in Life, Never ever give Up on your dreams, if others can do it you can do it too.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: www.SuccessCoachNilesh.com 

P.S. Take Your FREE Copy of the Book HERE:

Sunday, 21 October 2018

#LaunchPadJ2B - Quit Your Job & Start Your Business Series - 23

New Results Need New Actions

In this game of life I have never seen any person achieve success by just being interested in what they do. We live in a world full of opportunities. It is possible to achieve anything that we set our minds to, however we have to put in the efforts & work hard for it. Our dreams, goals & plans for life would be useless if we never take action .Just taking action is not sufficient, Strategic action is the key to success.

Its basic human nature to dream and envision grand future results for us. We tend to have expectations from ourselves and those around us. We should also be willing to work and take strategic actions to fulfill our dreams.

Common people see the objective they want to accomplish but fail to take action to achieve it. While there are many different factors involved, planning and action are the two keys that separate the elite from the average in any area of life. Some people have a propensity to see the end result, get excited about it, and then fizzle out with talking -- no action taken. The single greatest key to achieving success involves thorough planning and strategic action. Without them the chance of success is significantly lower.

Successful entrepreneurs know that success is not always a linear upward development and understand that obstacles arise. Those who are eventually successful do not become paralyzed by challenges but instead find a way to work around them. They don't sit still, but keep on moving.

People love those who wander from the rule be it the hero of a film who takes a risk or the villain who is different from the norm. The law of averages means the same action gives the same results so to have new results new actions are required. You need to think out of the box, and not just think but act on it as well.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: www.SuccessCoachNilesh.com 

P.S. Take Your FREE Copy of the Book HERE:

Sunday, 7 October 2018

#LaunchPadJ2B - Quit Your Job & Start Your Business Series - 21

Every business faces risk at some point or another which hinders its success. Taking risk in business is imperative. Risk is defined as the probability of an untoward incident and its consequences. Risk management is the practice of using processes, methods and tools for managing these risks.

Running a business also means protecting your business, managing risks & having a risk management plan in place to face adverse situations. Managing risk requires identification of scenarios that may or may not happen & strategies that would be implemented in case of adverse situations. Businesses that calculate risks & protect their losses are better prepared for their future. A successful business identifies risks and has a cost effective way of dealing with such situations. They have a contingency plan in place.

Steps needed to protect your business would be:-

1. Identifying risks to the business
A business can face numerous risks such as financial risk, operational risk, compliance risk or strategic risk, health and safety risk or environmental risk. A lot of effort needs to be put in identifying the types of risk a business may face.

2. Analyzing the level of risks

To analyze the level of risk we need to work out the probability of the risk happening and the effect it would have on the business.

Level of risk = consequence x likelihood

Level of risk is often described as low, medium, high or very high. It should be analyzed in relation to what you are currently doing to control it. We need to keep in mind that control measures decrease the level of risk but do not eliminate it.

3. Evaluate the risks

After identifying the risk we need to rank them to evaluate. This can be done by studying the probability and consequence of each risk and segregating them as high, medium or low. Prioritizing risks allows us to direct our time and money towards the most important risks. We can put systems and controls in place to deal with the consequences of an event.

4. Contingency and Recovery plan

Prepare a recovery plan which will be decisive in helping your business survive if one of the risks that you've identified does occur. Risk management involves putting processes, methods and tools in place to deal with the consequence of events you have identified as major threats for your business. This could be something like setting aside capital to ease cash flow problems if they arise or ensuring efficient computer backup and IT support to deal with a systems failure.

We need to choose the right insurance to protect against losses. Insurance will not reduce the risk but it can be used as a financial tool to reduce losses due to the event. Be prepared to face the challenges of the future.

While taking risks calculate & protect your losses.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: www.SuccessCoachNilesh.com 

P.S. Take Your FREE Copy of the Book HERE:

Thursday, 4 October 2018

#LaunchPadJ2B - Quit Your Job & Start Your Business Series - 20

All of us are lucky for some time, but there's no doubt that some people are inclined to be luckier than others. We might say that it's not fair they have all the luck in the world. A little bit of research in their lives shows it’s the way they look at the world that helps them. The truth is lucky people are not lucky by accident but because of their mindset. A mindset that accepts bad luck as foreseeable but good luck as something we achieve with hard work, optimism and courage. Lucky people endure the storms of life by seeing hidden opportunities, having faith in themselves and taking bold action.

We can say luck is just optimism in people. Optimists as we can call them trust in their intuition, take risks and expect good things to happen to them. They practice and perfect their craft while everyone else is relaxing & become masters of it. While others are reacting to a situation they are able to maneuver it to their own benefit.

Ordinary people live ordinary lives but extra ordinary people seek more from life. They want to become the best and so never stop learning or educating themselves. They keep improving and honing their skills and knowledge. Their beyond comparison groundwork gives them power. Generally people crumble under pressure but extraordinary people's mental abilities make them work better under pressure.

Our actions decide whether we move ahead or remain immobile. If we are not thinking and taking action or doing what needs to be done than we will never move ahead in life. We need to analyze, believe in ourselves and take the right steps to reach our ultimate goal .Our actions decide if we are moving towards success or just remaining still in life.

Your luck may decide where you can start however your actions will decide where you have to stop!

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: www.SuccessCoachNilesh.com 

P.S. Take Your FREE Copy of the Book HERE:

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

#LaunchPadJ2B - Quit Your Job & Start Your Business Series - 19

All of us want to be strong. We want to be in control of our lives. We want to show others that we can make it in this world. Regrettably, we all have fears too. They may be a result of bad experiences in our lives. We all have different kinds of fears. It might be a fear of heights or of an animal or fear of failure in our personal & professional lives, but whatever your fears may be; they can bring your life to a standstill. Your fears are very real to you but they do not need to control your life. You can take back that control by allowing the right people to help you.

There is a very famous quote by Aung San Suu Kyi , a Burmese politician, the first and incumbent State Counsellor a position akin to a Prime Minister.

“You should never let your fears prevent you from doing what you know is right.”

Fear is the most powerful reason that does not allow us to achieve our full potential. We experience it most often as a result of our own belief and emotional visions, rather than actual existent world causes. In other words, you become fearful of something that doesn’t exist. Fear is a cloaked enemy that whispers depressing thoughts into our mind, body and soul. It tries to convince us that we will not succeed in our endeavors and that we cannot achieve our full potential. These thoughts are completely false.

The path you are traveling may be a bit frightening at times, but don’t lose confidence. Don’t listen to your fears and the fears of individuals around you. Don’t let past experiences work their way into your present thinking. And most of all, don’t give up on what’s important to you. It’s OK to feel a bit uncomfortable, not knowing how to go about it. It’s fine if you don’t know exactly what’s going to happen next. As long as slowly but surely we step forward and learn what is being taught.

Fear never goes away, but it can be dealt with. Fear is our great protector but all too often it overpowers us, we have to find a way of overcoming it. Getting beyond fear expands the comfort zone, and you do get to the point that you wonder what you were scared about. Get positive inputs every day and shut out the negativity around you. We need to address our fears, identify the causes and work on getting over them. We simply cannot let our fears decide which steps we will take in our lives. Irrespective of our fears we need to take the right steps or actions for our better future, to reach our ultimate goal  SUCCESS.

Don’t be afraid to take the right steps even if it means you have to face your fears. Believe in yourself, and face your fears. Success is an attitude that comes from powerful beliefs and empowering thoughts.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: www.SuccessCoachNilesh.com 

P.S. Take Your FREE Copy of the Book HERE: