Friday 22 July 2016

Kill Your Fears!

What is Fear?
As we have learned : Fear is just a feeling.
Feeling of insecurity or pain or danger or anticipation of something which is not good for you.

Everyone in this world has some kind of fears.
Their intensity may vary but all human beings have some or other kind of fears.

How to deal with Fears?
As we have learned: The I.D.C.D. Process ( Copy right: Success Coach Nilesh ).

Let’s study them once again.

I = Identify
Identify your fears. Just write down on paper what fears you have.
Writing down on the paper will help you see your fear as if you are a 3rd person watching what’s happening.

D= Define
This is the most crucial step.
Define clearly the root cause of your fears.
E.g. Many people say they have fear of public speaking however in reality what they are afraid of are:
– They will forget the content.
– What others will say when they speak
– Their knowledge won’t be sufficient
– Others will not like them

Here crucial point to remember is that you might generalize your fear to main category (in this case public speaking) without realizing that we are actually afraid of the root cause (as listed above for fear of public speaking).

Once you have identified the root cause the next task if to choose a contingency plan.
Choose some actions, ways to deal with the root cause.
If you allow some time your brain will tell you several ways to deal with the root cause.
Just choose the way which you feel more comfortable with.

D= Do
The last point is also very important because here we take our first step to overcome our fears.
Do the action item you have chosen for yourself.

Let me warn you:
  1. Its very natural to feel the pressure when you are doing any task for the first time.
  2. You may not succeed in the first attempt but you will definitely win the war inside you to deal with the fears. Let the result of first action be bad.
Keep doing the actions until your fear fades away. Improve your actions if needed.

I am sure you can now at least dare to deal with your fears rather than run away from it.
Don’t delay your success because of your fears just kill your fears!

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

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