Friday, 30 December 2016

WHAT Is The BEST DAY To START Your Personal Development?

What is the one thing that can attract your success more than anything else? Well, if you haven’t guessed it yet then it’s your self-Development. Personal Development is a lasting process which helps you grow, become better, stronger and wiser.

It also helps people to evaluate their expertise and facets, scrutinize their ambitions in life and lay down goals in order to comprehend and maximize their flair. So when you feel that you're lacking potential, just remember to work on Personal Development and the best day to start your Personal Development is "TODAY".

Have you ever felt that guilt, anxiety that comes along with procrastination? Do you stay busy in buzzing around doing non important stuff? Do you ever feel that you are not focused? Well then, you have got to take control of your life today. It may seem hard but it really isn't. I mean who doesn't love to be valued and appreciated for their skills? Let's take Leonardo da Vinci, presumably the most consequential procrastinator, da Vinci was known for taking years to finish his work but once he apprehended that he can't achieve anything with such an attitude, he developed himself personally. There is a reason why 'Today' is called the present, hence no matter what your past holds; you can always become a better version of yourself. As Maurice Young states, "To become a master at any skill, it takes the total effort of your: heart, mind, and soul working together in tandem."

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Friday, 23 December 2016

Say No To Everything, So You Can Say Yes To The One Thing

Life is too short for regrets. There always comes a time when you have to make important decisions in a spur of the moment. And when I say life is too short for any regrets that includes life is too short for any confusion too. So have you ever been stuck between a simple Yes or No? Yes well, we all have been there. Many times the thought of "what people will think?" crosses our minds so, we need to apprehend that this is our life and that's the only explanation others need. Do what you have to do, say what you have to say, as long as you're on the right path. There is no time and no place for guilt in your life, no looking back because that's not where you're going.

When often saying “Yes” to someone, there is this odd, gut-feeling that we get, a weird inkling, that subtle sense of foreboding telling us to steer well away. That's when we need to realize that if something doesn't feel quite right, it apparently isn't. Margie Warrell says, "Trust Your Intuition. Not Doing So Can Be Costly." I for one, completely agree because well, our intuition seldom lies. So why not be blunt and fearless when you want to say No? As Cole Harmonson states, "It takes effort to say no when our heart and brains and guts and, most important, pride are yearning to say yes. Practice."  Knowing that one day you're going to die and so will everyone else; say what your heart desires and do as you please, as long as you're doing the right thing. Richie Norton quotes, "Say no to everything, so you can say yes to the one thing."

Be decisive, be brave. Don't be afraid to say NO.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Friday, 16 December 2016

Three Life Direction Questions


Here are the 3 powerful questions you need to ask yourself on regular basis.

Answers to these, will create the sense of purpose and will give direction to your life.
Here are those questions:

1) What you want in your Life (or in career or in business)?
2) Why you want that?
3) What can you do starting today to achieve what you want?

Go ahead. Try them.

These are few of the most empowering questions.
They seem simple but create very powerful results.
Let me know your comments.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Friday, 9 December 2016

One Start Point- Everyone Needs It

Everything in this world, has a well-defined and notable starting point, be it biblical references of God saying “Let there be Light”, thus creating the universe, or its scientific explanation of a small quantum singularity, growing over time to form the cosmos, everything has a beginning.
Before you make a certain decision in your life that holds paramount importance, you have a set of reasons which are based upon a certain aim, purpose or dream that depicts your true feelings and intentions towards it. Starting points are necessary as they form the bases of your main plan and these are the ones you need to pay most attention to just like you need to make the foundation of a building strong enough for it to hold. The things that are of key importance are hard work and determination. Do not wait for opportunities to be served in a plate. You have to get out there and make a name for yourself with sheer dedication and a belief that you can. No one has ever achieved anything just by dreaming their dream waiting for it to come true. Every success story has blood, sweat and self-confidence hidden behind it. It was American author Napoleon Hill who said “the starting point of all achievement is desire”, and if you have the drive to start your own endeavors, nothing can stop you from succeeding.
There are going to be times in your life where you will be stuck. You will be hit with criticism and people will judge you. Doubt you to the point that you will start doubting yourself. This is the point that can make you or break you. You should look past what people say and focus on what you want with a firm belief or you can let people tear you down and make you regret not chasing your dreams, for the rest of your life.
This is your life. You are in charge of every single decision you make. If you have a dream and you are ready to build mid night oil for it, then another person’s opinion does not matter.
There are plentiful examples of people who worked hard to get where they are today regardless of what people had to say about them. One such example is of the world’s largest software maker, Microsoft, which was at one point, a garage-run company started by a college dropout named Bill Gates. A name that has come to be almost synonymous with immense wealth, Bill Gates was an individual with a love for programing. He took the passion and mixed it with the perfect amount of backbreaking work and as time passed, he was on the top slot and the one thing that got him where he is today, was his love for what he believed in.
At the end I would like to sum it up and say that if you really believe in something, don’t let anything stop you. Don’t let anything bring you down. Work hard for your dream and one day when you have everything, when you have achieved your goals, there will be satisfaction and happiness in your heart.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Friday, 2 December 2016

Never Let Your Failures Go Unnoticed

Every person I know has different ways of dealing with failure. Some give up, some dwell on it for unusually long periods of time and some immediately learn from their mistakes and come back stronger to start a new journey. The best ones are those who start a new journey and become stronger. Making the best of what you have is an art. Failure is also an experience and learning from it is you being productive even from something as uncertain as failure.

Successful people don’t let their failures go unnoticed. They analyze it, accept it and move forward. Some of the examples are Walt Disney who was fired from his job because his superior thought he wasn’t creative enough. Walt Disney didn’t let this failure stop him from redefining the childhood of America by making so many hit movies like Snow White etc. Thomas Edison experienced failure so many times because he created hundreds of light bulbs that didn’t work before creating the one that finally lit. There is no doubt that he must have accepted the fact that he failed on this try, analyzed his mistakes to avoid in the next try and then he must have embarked on a new journey to make the one that works.

History is always giving us signals but we’re too busy crying over one failure to notice it. Oprah Winfrey said, "Now when you’re down there in the hole, it looks like failure. And when that moment comes, it’s really okay to feel bad for a little while. Give yourself time to mourn what you think you may have lost but then here’s the key, learn from every mistake because every experience, encounter, and particularly your mistakes are there to teach you and force you into being more who you are."

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Thursday, 1 December 2016

How Old Are You, Really?

Tell me, How old are you?

Wait, before you answer,
I want to share with you something unique and important perspective.

Let’s assume you are 32 years old and while saying your age, unknowingly you get sold to the idea that you are old.
But wait a minute. Are you really old?

No way, look at your body.

The body you have is NOT 32 years old. The Hair you have on your head are NOT 32 years old.
Your brain, your heart, your hands, your legs none of things are 32 years old.

Wow, then what is exactly 32 years old?
Good question, humm?

Well, here after don’t ever assume that you are OLD.

Your body is changing everyday. Number of cells in your body are changing.
Your mind is changing.
Change brings difference.
Your emotions, even if slightly, are different than yesterday.
You are learning atleast one new thing everyday.
It may be intellectually or technologically or spiritually or experience wise. But you are different.
That means you are not same as you were yesterday.
That means you are actually NOT even one day old.
Now, that’s a great way to look at life.

What if you choose to live your life as if it is your first day of the future?
Which new decisions will you make today?
Which new dreams will you dare to see today?
Which new things you can start from today?
How would you treat your life different from today?
How would you restart your life from today?

Here are my top 10 suggestions to restart your new life:
  1. Your Age is just a number, don’t worry about it from today.
  2. You are going to die one day. You will miss this earth. Start living from today.
  3. Choose your dreams and start working for it from today.
  4. Make new choices about cloths from today.
  5. Stop hanging around with pessimistic and tired people, become more active from today.
  6. Choose to become healthier and pay attention to what you eat and what you don’t eat from today.
  7. Start making better financial decisions from today.
  8. Set a goal about how long and how rich you want to live and start working on it from today.
  9. Choose new self-image from today.
  10. Be amazing, from today.
So, now you tell meHow old are you, really?

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Share if you Like this with your friends and family members. Surprise them with their real age.

Monday, 28 November 2016

How to Become The Game Changer?

To achieve anything great, you've got to be completely and unashamedly obsessed with whatever you're doing. Give yourself permission to be obsessed and harness it for good.

Being average and playing safe just doesn't cut it today. You really need to be obsessed about chasing your big dreams and refuse to settle for anything less. Only if you do that can you join the ranks of the industry builders, the game changers, the disruptors and the greatest talents in your field.

"Your obsession is the most valuable tool you have to build the life you deserve and dream of." – Grant Cardone

Obsession is an absolutely critical component of success. It's more important than strategy, timing or competition. Being obsessed is the only way you will ever be able to put your own dent in the universe. Be obsessed.

"When you become unapologetically obsessed, as I am, you’ll be at your very best: hyperfocused, persistent beyond understanding, creative to the point of appearing magical, and with an insatiable determination to win that not only attracts great talent but also brings out the best in others. This level of obsession doesn’t mean you are selfish and self-centered; it means that you’re finally operating at the levels you were always meant to and that you can pull others around you up to their full potential and possibilities." – Grant Cardone

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Leadership Principles At Amazon

This is what Amazon boasts about their Leadership:
Our Leadership Principles aren’t just a pretty inspirational wall hanging. These Principles work hard, just like we do. Amazonians use them, every day, whether they’re discussing ideas for new projects, deciding on the best solution for a customer’s problem, or interviewing candidates. It’s just one of the things that makes Amazon peculiar.

Customer Obsession

Leaders start with the customer and work backwards. They work vigorously to earn and keep customer trust. Although leaders pay attention to competitors, they obsess over customers.


Leaders are owners. They think long term and don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results. They act on behalf of the entire company, beyond just their own team. They never say “that’s not my job". 

Invent and Simplify

Leaders expect and require innovation and invention from their teams and always find ways to simplify. They are externally aware, look for new ideas from everywhere, and are not limited by “not invented here". As we do new things, we accept that we may be misunderstood for long periods of time.

Are Right, A Lot

Leaders are right a lot. They have strong judgment and good instincts. They seek diverse perspectives and work to disconfirm their beliefs.

Learn and Be Curious

Leaders are never done learning and always seek to improve themselves. They are curious about new possibilities and act to explore them.

Hire and Develop The Best

Leaders raise the performance bar with every hire and promotion. They recognize exceptional talent, and willingly move them throughout the organization. Leaders develop leaders and take seriously their role in coaching others.  We work on behalf of our people to invent mechanisms for development like Career Choice.

Insist on the Highest Standards

Leaders have relentlessly high standards - many people may think these standards are unreasonably high. Leaders are continually raising the bar and driving their teams to deliver high quality products, services and processes. Leaders ensure that defects do not get sent down the line and that problems are fixed so they stay fixed.

Think Big

Thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Leaders create and communicate a bold direction that inspires results. They think differently and look around corners for ways to serve customers.

Bias for Action

Speed matters in business. Many decisions and actions are reversible and do not need extensive study. We value calculated risk taking. 


Accomplish more with less. Constraints breed resourcefulness, self-sufficiency and invention.  There are no extra points for growing headcount, budget size or fixed expense.

Earn Trust

Leaders listen attentively, speak candidly, and treat others respectfully. They are vocally self-critical, even when doing so is awkward or embarrassing.  Leaders do not believe their or their team’s body odor smells of perfume.  They benchmark themselves and their teams against the best.

Dive Deep

Leaders operate at all levels, stay connected to the details, audit frequently, and are skeptical when metrics and anecdote differ. No task is beneath them.

Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit

Leaders are obligated to respectfully challenge decisions when they disagree, even when doing so is uncomfortable or exhausting. Leaders have conviction and are tenacious. They do not compromise for the sake of social cohesion. Once a decision is determined, they commit wholly.

Deliver Results

Leaders focus on the key inputs for their business and deliver them with the right quality and in a timely fashion. Despite setbacks, they rise to the occasion and never settle.

This content has been taken from

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Friday, 25 November 2016

The Best Gift To Give Yourself And Others

Many times people ask me about the best thing they can do to improve or change the world, their children, family, friends, boss or staff ?

They ask me about the Best Gift to give to others.

I do have many answers however the best one and most useful one will be this. My answer often comes as a surprise and here it is.

The key to helping others is to help yourself first.

That’s right.

In other words, the best contribution I can make to someone else is my own personal development.

If I become 10 times wiser, better, stronger, think of what that can do for my family, friends, and business.

The best gift you can give to yourself and others, really, is your ongoing personal development.

Getting better, getting stronger, becoming wiser everyday.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Friday, 18 November 2016

12 Things to Develop Strong Mind


Here are the top 12 things from my collection.

Hope they are helpful for you as well.


1) Feed your mind with motivating and inspiring thoughts. Read Good Books. Watch Good Videos.

2) Break the links with Negative people. If you can’t do it 100% then at least spend very less time with them.

3) Talk Positive, Always.

4) Meditate and Breathe, Often.

5) Listen to Music of your choice.

6) When you come across obstacles Look for solutions. Don’t keep staring at problems or people who caused it. Don’t even blame someone.

7) Take responsibility of all of your actions and results.

8) Stay Calm. You don’t have to react to everything instantly.

9) Sleep Well. Don’t use social media e.g Facebook, Whatsapp, emails immediately before or after sleep. Give space and time for your mind to relax.

10) Gratitude. Feel better for what you have than what you don’t have. E.g. You are alive is one of the best thing in your life. Feel better.

11) Take One Action Toward Your Goals Every Day

12) If you fail, get up and Keep Moving Forward, no matter what.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Friday, 11 November 2016

Have A Purpose To Your Life

Have a purpose to your life 

Life without goal is like ship without direction in the huge ocean.

It will float wherever the waves will take it and worst part is not knowing where it will end up. Don’t ever let that happen to your life.

My friend,

Have a Goal.

Have a Purpose to your life.

It will bring reason to your living, purpose to your day and passion in your heart.

To help you get started, here are some of questions to bring back the lost focus.

Give it a go:

Which great people you desire to meet in this world ?

Which wonderful places you want to visit in this world ?

Who do you want to become in this world ?

What do you want to see in this world while alive?

What do you want to experience in this world while alive ?

What do you want to share in this world while alive ?

Which good causes you want to support in this world ?

Which skills you want to gain ?

Which silly things you want to try out in this world while alive ?

Which crazy things you want to do in this world ?

Which extra ordinary things you want to try in this world ?

What do you want to be known for?

Take some free time to think about answers to above questions and let me know at least one thing you would do different for yourself, starting soon.

Quality of your life will improve when you start asking the quality questions !

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Friday, 4 November 2016

3 Questions For Maximum Effectiveness

 There are 3 questions that you can ask on a regular basis to get maximum effectiveness.

The first question is,
"What can make BIGGEST difference in your Life, Career or Business ?"

Write them down and focus on doing them.
The second question is,
"What can I and only I do, that if done well, will make a real difference ?"

This question comes from Peter Drucker, the management guru.

This is something that only you can do. If you don't do it, it won't be done by someone else.
The third question is,
"What can you STOP doing ?"

There might be certain things which are waste of time. Stop doing them or delegate them.
Work on these 3 questions on a regular basis and
I'm sure this will be helpful for your personal effectiveness.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Friday, 28 October 2016

The Simplest Solution To Control Stress

Tell me,
What is a Stress?

Stress is a state of 'mental or emotional' strain or tension resulting from demanding circumstances.

However, Let's see the basics.

Stress lives in mental or emotional state.
It's your head. It's the same place where your Thoughts live.

Therefore there must be some connection between thoughts and stress.
And there is.
The downward spiral of thoughts caused by demanding circumstances causes the stress.

Next time if you find yourself getting stressful, WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS.

Your job is to let go negative thoughts and replace it by positive thoughts.

To make this happen,
You MUST first clean the Negative thoughts.
And best way to do this is to EMPTY your mind on a paper. Just write down everything that is on your mind (and then review / throw that paper..your choice).
It's the simplest solution.
Instead of holding the negative thoughts and fighting with them,
Just write them down on a paper.
Take them out.

This will create the space your brain need to be creative.

Good Things will happen,
Useful Solutions will come,
You will succeed.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Friday, 21 October 2016

7 Challenges for Better Life

 If you want to improve quality of your life then here are the 7 challenges that you’ll need to work on:

1) Face your fears. Do one thing every day that scares you. Very soon you’ll eradicate your fears and you’ll become more confident.

2) Day dream or Visualize the better life for yourself and take the necessary steps to make your dream as reality.

3) Admit your mistakes. That will set you free and increase your respect for yourself.

4) Refine your goals. Set some higher goals. Go for something beyond what you thought you could do.

5) Believe in yourself. You’ve got to believe in the possibilities. There isn’t a skill you can’t learn; there isn’t a discipline you can’t try; there isn’t a class you can’t take; there isn’t a book you can’t read.

6) Keep positive people around you. Spend less and less time with negative people. Negative people are energy suckers.

7) Discipline yourself to become more and more valuable person.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Friday, 14 October 2016

The Most Basic Yet Very Powerful Thing.


Today we are going to learn the most basic yet very powerful thing.

Are you ready? Here you go.

What sort of process is Success?

What do you think is the most meaningful answer?


the most meaningful answer is:

Success is a Becoming Process.

Becoming better, stronger, effective and resourceful.

Pursuit of Success in your chosen field will grow you.

It can challenge your comfort zone.

It can help you be more efficient.

It can help you be more creative.

It can help you be more focused.

It can help you be more productive.

It can help you be more influential.


your journey to success is definitely worth doing.

Because Success is a Becoming Process.

Don’t always focus on what you get but

Focus on who you are becoming in the process.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Friday, 7 October 2016

Eye Opener Questions

Many times during our day today life,

we may forget some important aspects of our life.

Therefore, today let’s have a quick look if is there anything you need to look after in case you missed it for any reason.

Here are the 7 questions to ask yourself on regular basis:

1) What am I doing Every day to look after my health and fitness?

2) What am I doing Every day to bring peace and happiness in my life?

3) What am I doing to strengthen my financial condition?

4) What am I doing to make my relationships stronger?

5) What am I doing to grow as a good Human Being?

6) What worries I am carrying with me which I can let go and move on ?

7) Which time wasting activities I’m doing now a days which I can stop and replace with useful activities?

Have a Go.

Ask yourself these questions.

See if there is anything you did miss earlier and now you can look after it.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 

Friday, 23 September 2016

What Did Lila’s Heart Tell Her? Motivational Story…

Lila is a nice smart lady.
She enjoys doing the things she loves.
She enjoys her life.
She is a dreamer like you and me.
She has big dreams and she honestly work towards achieving them.
But from past few days she was not feeling well.
She was doing her best but she was not getting success as she wanted.
So many things in her life were not as she expected to be. 
I think you can imagine that stage in our life, when we
work so hard on something but we don’t get the results we want.
Same was the condition with Lila. All the hard work Lila was doing not giving her the desirable results.
And finally she starts to think about quitting.
Her mind stops, brain doesn’t see any solution and all of a sudden she feels like going away from all this.
She gets ready, put on her shoes and decides to go for a walk in a quiet little park in her neighbourhood.
As she is walking and thinking about giving up on her dream, she unknowingly puts her hand on her heart.
And she feels the heart beats.
And as if those heart beats are trying to say her something.
In the flash of a moment she gets the real message.
As if her heart beats are saying, “If I haven’t given up on you, why should you?”

#Moral of the story,
Sometimes in your life, if you feel things are not working out as they should be.
You don’t know what to do.
Your mind and brain stops to help you and there is also no one else to support you.
I want you to go for a lonely walk and as you are walking keep your hand on your heart.
If it is still beating then it is telling you something…
“If I haven’t given up on you, why should you?
Keep going and have a hope that everything will be alright very soon.
If I haven’t given up on you, why should you?”

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: