Friday 8 July 2016

Get Ready To Maximize Your Results

Hello my friend,

Have you ever been in situation where you realize towards the end of the day that many things on your to-do list remained untouched or incomplete?
Have you ever thought of getting maximum results for your efforts?
Many of my clients reported about this issue and you might have come across with this issue hence in this message I’ll share with you one simple yet powerful success strategy.
We’ll focus on one specific area and that is from the time you wake up in the morning to the time you start your daily work.
This time in the morning (and late morning for those of you who prefer to get up late) is very crucial.
Apart from just getting ready for the day you can use it more efficiently to increase your productivity of the day.

Let’s call this as Strategy Time.
I use this strategy time to:
  1. Write down all the tasks in my head (This simple strategy helps me clear my mind and get more creative to do the things more effectively)
  2. Arrange all these tasks in the order of priority.
  3. Then realistically check and adjust the schedule of the day
  4. Start focusing on first thing first and keep going through this task list.
It looks simple but it is the most logical and efficient way to increase the productivity of the day.
You might say that you don’t have that much time in the morning to do these 4 steps but I’ll suggest sparing just 4-5 minutes a day in the morning. This will save you lots of time and in many occasions money wasted on doing unimportant things at important time.
If you get into habit of using this Strategy Time then you will see yourself achieving maximum results in your day. So, why don’t you try it?
I’ll be happy to receive your comments and feedback.
Also feel free to share this with your friends if you find this message useful.

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

See more at my website: 


  1. I am impressed by your valuable thoughts & I will be following it on regular basis.
    With regards
    Sai Archan B.


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