Thursday 1 November 2018

#LaunchPadJ2B - Quit Your Job & Start Your Business Series - 28

One of the major factors of being yourself is accepting who you are. There is nothing wrong with being different or unique. In fact, being unique and original is not something we should hide from, but it is something we should strive for.

It is very important to be yourself, at the same time we need to accept change as well. We don’t need to change who we are just learn new habits or skills that help us improve our day to day lives. Being ourselves is the key to happiness.

We always feel the pressure to fit in .There is always a gap between what we want to be and what the world wants us to be. We feel the need to be liked by everyone around us so indulge in activities that give us zero satisfaction/ happiness. To blend in with those around us without even realizing it, we change ourselves, our desires, and even our opinions to fit into whatever mold is required at the time. It leads to sacrificing ourselves and our dreams to please others, living their dreams at the expense of our own.

To find true happiness we must accept ourselves, live our own dreams, and be proud of what makes us unique instead of submitting to pressure. Happy people improve and create.

Entrepreneurs are people who lead the game .They are different and they want more. They prefer the challenges of life rather than the calculated risk. Don’t try to be a follower but be a leader. You are different for some special reasons. Don’t be like others, always be yourself. You have to accept yourself, and have the courage to keep moving forward. Entrepreneur is a market leader who develops the concept, brings in a new idea and does things differently. They improvise, accept change and are open minded people. They are good listeners and are definitely open to new ideas. Being different & being better at what they do makes them successful.

A glass half filled with water is a classic example.

You are unique, you think out of the box. You have a different approach to problems. You focus on the water that is filled in the glass .Others focus on the empty side of the glass. Perceptions are different but that is OK.You can look for solutions or a window of opportunity in a place where others can only look at the problems & get frustrated.

Be different, Be better & Be Successful.

“To help yourself, you must be yourself. Be the best that you can be. When you make a mistake, learn from it, pick yourself up and move on.”
– Dave Pelzer

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

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