We all want to get recognized for our work.
This is not being selfish. It is just being human.
In our personal, professional and business life, getting recognized is very important factor.
It can amplify or stop your growth.
Here are some of the TOP strategies to help you get ahead and get recognized:
- Get CLARITY on the OUTCOME you want:
Not what but WHO.
Instead of others deciding your identity, decide for yourself WHO you want to be known as in Business world or professional world.
Decide those characteristics you want to be known for.
E.g. Do you want to be known as better or faster or reliable or expert or economical or trustworthy etc. in something? Find out what is that something?
- Produce RESULTS:
Some people don’t like this however it’s the truth.
No employer would want a hard working person, who does not produce the desired Results.
Produce the results you want to be KNOWN for.
- SAY What you Do and DO What you Say:
Consider marketing as Communication.
It’s a great thing to communicate what you do best.
So that if someone needs the skills you have they will be in touch with you.
Always look for ways to improve yourself.
But firstly,
make sure you faultlessly do your core assigned jobs and deliver those on time.
Otherwise you will definitely get noticed for all the wrong reasons!
Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻
- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs
See more at my website: www.SuccessCoachNilesh.com
- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs
See more at my website: www.SuccessCoachNilesh.com