Friday 31 March 2017

He Who Has Health Has Hope; And He Who Has Hope Has Everything

A gift of good health has always been and will always be the greatest boon of all times. . Our body and mind is the most amazing creation and the fact that we are able to do so many amazing things daily is the greatest mystery of all times. But people don’t seem to know what they’ve got ‘til it’s gone. With rare exception, most of us tend to take the most precious gift of good heath for granted.

Modernisation might have made our lives easy and fast. But it has brought with it the curse of adverse health effects. We want everything fast…transportation, communication and even the food that we eat is fast. With modernisation we have invited two new guests in our lives i.e. Addiction and Stress. Addiction may not be only to tobacco and alcohol but also to modern gadgets like mobile, tablet and to work. We have become slaves to the latest gadgets. We are in a race to achieve so much in life so early that we are taxing our body to the maximum extent. All of this is running like a slow poison into our minds and bodies and killing us every day. But what’s the use of best gadgets and technology if we don’t have a healthy mind and body. Remember that life will be meaningless without a healthy mind and soul. But “No matter how far you’ve gone on the wrong road you can still turn around”. The time is now. The time has come to take our lives in our control ….and cherish our health and take best care of our minds and body. This can be done by bringing in discipline in our lives, by getting rid of addictions, developing healthy eating habits, taking proper daily exercise ,inculcating the habit of meditation, forming good relationships with others, and expressing, managing and feeling an array of positive emotions. The positive change cannot be brought in a single day as it’s said “Rome was not built in a day”. It has to be done over a period of time. But the choice to lead a healthy life is in our hands.

So, love yourself, love your body. Here I remember an Arabian proverb “He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything”. Take Care before it’s too Late!!!!

Keep in touch.
Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

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