Friday 26 May 2017

Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity

‘Luck’ is a commonly used word by each one of you. The stories of more successful people or people in better position than you in life makes you say that ‘he or she was born with a silver spoon or he or she is very lucky’ .But do you think all great people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet or Michael Phelps were merely lucky or fortunate enough to achieve so much in life? No. All these legends had the inner drive; passion and readiness to do everything for their dream in them that made them achieve greater height in life.

What is this luck? “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”-Darrel Royal. I do agree that sometimes life brings you face to face to that dream opportunity that others don’t get and that’s the time you feel you’ve been lucky to receive that opportunity. But to what extent you can exploit that opportunity depends on your hard work, perseverance, preparedness and the decisions you take in life. Because luck can only open the window of opportunity, but cannot bring you that success if you are not disciplined and don’t put in your effort. So, when luck knocks the door in the form of opportunity it is very important that you are prepared to take on that opportunity and are ready to put in all your heart and soul into that one golden opportunity. That is the only way through which success can be achieved.

Here’s a quote from Carl Zuckmayer “One-half of life is luck. The other is discipline - and that’s the important half, for without discipline you wouldn’t know what to do with luck

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Be Unstoppable 👍🏻

- Sincerely Yours
Success Coach Nilesh
Branding - Marketing & Growth Strategist for Professionals, Executives & CEOs

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